Tarot of Bones Reviews!

Have you seen the current roster of Tarot of Bones reviews? Here’s what’s currently online, with more on the way:

Erin’s Journal, July 27, 2017
Facing North, June 24, 2017
Benebell Wen, June 18, 2017
Maelstromtarot, May 29, 2017
Jessica Cross ASMR, May 19, 2017
The Magical Buffet, May 15, 2017

If you are a reviewer for a print publication, or a reasonably high-traffic website or blog, and you are interested in reviewing the Tarot of Bones deck and/or book, please contact me at lupa.greenwolf(at)gmail.com.

Other folks are encouraged to review the Tarot of Bones deck on Amazon here, and you can do an Amazon review of the companion book here. You can also review the book (but sadly not the deck) on Goodreads here.

Tarot of Bones Readings Now Available!

Would you like a Tarot of Bones reading? I’m now open for online readings, with options ranging from one to ten cards and all points in between! There are classic spreads like past-present-future and the Celtic Cross, but there are also ones I’ve created specifically to use with this deck like the Wolf Pack and the Five Classes.

Interested? More information on booking me for a reading at https://thetarotofbones.com/get-your-cards-read/ 🙂

Tarot of Bones Wholesale Available for Shops!

Are you the owner, buyer or other representative of a brick and mortar store, website, or well-established vending booth? Would you like to carry the Tarot of Bones deck and book in your inventory? Wholesale is now available! You can find more details and ordering information at https://thetarotofbones.com/wholesale-ordering-information/

(If you don’t own a shop, do feel free to pass this information on to any shops you feel may be interested.)

Limited Time Offer: Free Tarot of Bones Deck and Book!

Hey, folks! Join my Book of the Month club on Patreon, and you can get the Tarot of Bones deck and book for free! Here’s how it works:

*Go to http://www.patreon.com/lupagreenwolf

*Become my Patron at the $25 Book of the Month level (or the $40 International Book of the Month Club for non-US folks)

*Spend the next eight months enjoying one of my previously published books sent right to your door, plus my exclusive Patron-only feed and the Monthly Totem Profile

*At the eight month you’ll not only get the last of my previously published books sent to you, but you’ll also get a brand new Tarot of Bones deck and book sent to you at no extra cost!

This offer is ONLY good for Patrons who join the US or International Book of the Month clubs through my Patreon between now and June 30, 2017. Your card must be successfully charged all eight months; books will not be sent each month until the charge goes through. Your monthly pledge includes shipping and handling costs for your books.

This is the only time I will be making this special offer, so get in on it now! Head to http://www.patreon.com/lupagreenwolf and become my Patron today!

Discounted Tarot of Bones Decks for Sale!

Hi, folks! So when I received the Tarot of Bones decks earlier this year, one of the shipping cartons was damaged, as were a few of the decks inside. I now have these damaged decks for sale at a greatly reduced amount over at http://thegreenwolf.etsy.com. The first order placed for a damaged deck will also include a free copy of the Tarot of Bones Companion Book; a few of the pages are falling out because the binding failed, but otherwise it’s a perfectly good, readable copy of the book–a little tape, and it’ll be fine 😉

The Tarot of Bones Now on Etsy!

Great news! In addition to the official Tarot of Bones shop, you can now also buy the Tarot of Bones deck and book on my Etsy shop! This is great for those of you who prefer that particular platform. In fact, the Tarot of Bones is now available on several of your favorite online spaces:

The official Tarot of Bones shop

My Etsy Shop

My eBay Store

My Storenvy Shop

Amazon: Deck and Book

All of these, of course, are fulfilled by me. If you buy from the shop on the Tarot of Bones site, I don’t have to pay any listing or sales fees, just Paypal; all the other platforms require additional fees. However, I know it’s more convenient for some of you to use these other platforms, so take your pick! And yes, your book will be signed regardless of which platform you buy it through.

Thank you 🙂


Want the Tarot of Bones for Free?

Hey, you know how I announced preorders for the Tarot of Bones yesterday? Well, I’d like to offer you all a one-time opportunity to get the deck and book set for free!

Over on my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/lupagreenwolf, I have my Book of the Month Club ($25/month for U.S. Patrons, or scroll down a little further for $35/month for international Patrons.) Patrons who pledge at that level get one of my books sent to them every month, and then once they’ve been there eight months (enough to get my six solo titles and two anthologies) they are signed up to get a copy of my next book free whenever it comes out.

Between now and 11:59PM PST on Wednesday, November 30, 2016, if you sign up for the Book of the Month Club, and you successfully collect all eight of my current books, I will send you the Tarot of Bones deck and paperback book absolutely free–and I’ll even toss in a copy of my self published booklet, Skull Scrying, for the heck of it! This offer goes away on November 30, never to return!

So not only do you get the Tarot of Bones set–a $55 value–for free, but you also end up with my complete current bibliography! AND you get access to my Patron-only feed, and the Monthly Totem Profile! Head on over to https://www.patreon.com/lupagreenwolf to sign up today!

(Small print: I can only send you a book if your card is successfully charged. Please make sure the card you are using is current and has sufficient funding. Patreon charges cards on the first of every month.)

(Reblogs/shares appreciated! Thank you!)